Editing Deficiency (Item) Information
Editing Deficiency (Item) Information
For each deficiency that you or a member of your staff corrects, you will need to edit that item to indicate that it has been completed. Click the “Edit” button to make modifications to the data.
As a Local User, you can check the “Complete” check box to signify that the repair or correction has been made. The Date Corrected field is filled with the current date and the Who Corrected field is filled with the current user’s name.
The Repair Notes field can be used to record details about the repair performed. We strongly suggest that all notes are initialed and dated (Month/Year) so that older notes can be distinguished from newer notes over the years. Check for typos and clarity before saving your work.
Click on “Save” button to save the changes to the database. “Cancel” button will cancel the operation and will not add your changes to the database.
Home Page
Home Page
The following screens are available to Local Users.
• Home
• Reports
• User Profile
• Update/Entry
The current date is displayed on the right hand side of the screen on a calendar. Any messages posted by a System Administrator will be displayed in the Latest Announcements section of the screen.
User Name: By default, this is your email account. It is not case-sensitive and may be up to 100 characters in length. Password: This is a user-defined password. It is case–sensitive and may be up to 20 characters in length.
Upon entry with a correct User Id and Password combination, the Home Page is displayed.
Printing Reports
Printing reports
Printing reports:
In order to print a report, you must first export it to Adobe ™ PDF format. You must have Adobe ™ Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) Reader installed on your PC to do this. Adobe ™ Acrobat Reader is available for free download at Adobe’s Web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/
To print a report, simply click on the “Print (Export as PDF)” button. When the report is displayed in its final form, you may page through it or print all or part of it. As with report generation, the length of the report will affect the time required to create the PDF document version and transmit it to your machine.
To print the PDF form of your report, use the Adobe Acrobat’s Print button. When done viewing and/or printing a report, using your browser’s “Back” button will return you to either the Web version of your report or the Reports Listing page, depending upon what you were viewing before building the PDF report.
To return to the Reports Listing page as rapidly as possible, use the “Back to Report Listing” button at the top of all Web-based reports.
To preserve previous report criteria choices, use your browser’s Back button to return to the previously-used Reports Listing page.
This section of the application consists of one or more pages of reports available to the current user.
The list of available reports is customized at each installation and will vary depending upon the current user’s role [Safety Inspector, System Administrator, Executive, Local User, QA Inspector, Follow-Up Inspector and Fire Inspector, etc.]
Contact the System Administrator to obtain a list of reports that is accessible to you.
You may page through the list of reports if numbers other than “1” appear at the bottom of the report list. Click on a number to view that page of reports. To obtain a report, select a report from the list by clicking to the left of the report label. A list of appropriate criteria for that report will appear on the right side of the screen.
Any criteria required for a meaningful report will be indicated in red – most commonly, at least the “School Year” is required for a meaningful report.
Select or fill in the appropriate criteria and click on the “Generate Report” button. Depending upon the size of the report, this may take a few seconds. Using narrower criteria will return a smaller report and therefore return the report more quickly. A Crystal Reports™ report will appear generated with the criteria that you selected.
To print a report, click the “Print (Export as PDF)” button and print using Adobe Acrobat Reader. To print a report you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. When attempting to obtain a printable report, if you receive an HTML data stream rather than a report, Adobe Acrobat Reader is probably not installed on your PC. Printing a report is covered in more detail below.
You need not print a report to view it, however. You may view your newly-created report on-screen. At the top of each page are controls to page through the report, “Go To” a specific page number, or search for the page upon which a particular entry is found. Searches are typically done by facility name. Each subsequent search starts from the current page.
Some on-screen reports will allow you to “drill down” for more detail. These will typically be summary reports. The drill-down points will be apparent because your cursor will become a pointing finger when it is placed over a line of report data that supports drill down. Once you have drilled down in a report, use the normally-inactive “Up” button to return to the main report level or the “Back” button of your browser.
Note that some labels and even some data may appear in a less-than optimum format on the Web screen version of the report. This is because of limitations inherent in the Crystal Reports generated Web/browser-based reports. Each report that comes with your application (from Solid Rock Software) has been optimized for the best possible appearance when printed, not for its appearance on a web page.
The only advantage of viewing a report as a web page (over the PDF format) is the ability to drill down to a more detailed level in some reports. In most situations, viewing the PDF-format report will be easier and offer a better viewing experience.
Selecting Inspection Details
Selecting Inspection Details
Inspection Details (also referred to as “Items” or “Deficiencies”) can be viewed and edited once an inspection has been selected on the “Update/Entry” screen. Click on the “Inspection Details” button to view the details of the selected inspection.
All the deficiencies of the selected inspection are listed on the lower half of the screen. The tabbed list on the bottom portion of the screen works much the same as the tabbed list on the inspection selection screen. This list shows deficiency details by building number or “All.” You can either view a list of deficiencies for just one building or click on “All” tab to view all the deficiencies of the selected inspection.
Click on (“*”) on the Deficiency Selection tab list to select one deficiency. When you select an inspection item (deficiency), the selected entry in the list changes its background color. The functioning of the buttons to the right may also change when an item is selected. The detail information displayed at the top of the page will reflect the selected item.
NOTE: The detail information at the top of the page reflects the last-selected item until another item is selected
Selecting Inspections to View or Edit
Selecting Inspections to View or Edit
The summary “Update/Entry” screen is divided into two parts. The top portion of the screen displays inspection-wide “header” information such as the Inspector’s Name, School Year, Comply District, Comply Fire, Inspection Date, Follow-up Inspector and the date of each follow up event. Each item of the header information is only entered once per site inspection.
Select one particular inspection by clicking on the asterisk (“*”) to the left of an inspection. The page will refresh and the selected inspection will change color in the list. The “header” information of the selected inspection will display at the top of the screen.
NOTE: When making changes, you should only work with the most recent inspection. Changes made to old inspections after the fact will not be carried forward. Select one particular inspection by clicking on the asterisk (“*”) to the left of an inspection. The page will refresh and the selected inspection will change its background color in the list.
The functioning of the buttons to the lower right may also change when an item is selected. The “header” information displayed at the top of the page will reflect the selected item.
NOTE: The detail information at the top of the page reflects the last-selected item until another item is selected.
Viewing Inspection Details
Viewing Inspection Details:
All of the information gathered about a deficiency is clearly displayed on the top half of the Inspection Details screen. The only information that is not immediately visible here are the various notes by the Inspectors, the Fire Inspectors (if the feature of capturing separate Fire Inspections is in use) and the Repairers. Click on the appropriate tab above the “Notes” area to view each person’s notes.
We encourage users of the application to initial and date each new note that they make, as a notes fields might potentially carry notes across several inspections and follow-up inspections.
Selecting Inspection Details
Inspection Details (also referred to as “Items” or “Deficiencies”) can be viewed and edited once an inspection has been selected on the “Update/Entry” screen. Click on the “Inspection Details” button to view the details of the selected inspection.
All the deficiencies of the selected inspection are listed on the lower half of the screen. The tabbed list on the bottom portion of the screen works much the same as the tabbed list on the inspection selection screen. This list shows deficiency details by building number or “All.” You can either view a list of deficiencies for just one building or click on “All” tab to view all the deficiencies of the selected inspection.
Click on (“*”) on the Deficiency Selection tab list to select one deficiency. When you select an inspection item (deficiency), the selected entry in the list changes its background color. The functioning of the buttons to the right may also change when an item is selected. The detail information displayed at the top of the page will reflect the selected item.
NOTE: The detail information at the top of the page reflects the last-selected item until another item is selected
Selecting Inspections to View or Edit
The summary “Update/Entry” screen is divided into two parts. The top portion of the screen displays inspection-wide “header” information such as the Inspector’s Name, School Year, Comply District, Comply Fire, Inspection Date, Follow-up Inspector and the date of each follow up event. Each item of the header information is only entered once per site inspection.
Select one particular inspection by clicking on the asterisk (“*”) to the left of an inspection. The page will refresh and the selected inspection will change color in the list. The “header” information of the selected inspection will display at the top of the screen.
NOTE: When making changes, you should only work with the most recent inspection. Changes made to old inspections after the fact will not be carried forward. Select one particular inspection by clicking on the asterisk (“*”) to the left of an inspection. The page will refresh and the selected inspection will change its background color in the list.
The functioning of the buttons to the lower right may also change when an item is selected. The “header” information displayed at the top of the page will reflect the selected item.
NOTE: The detail information at the top of the page reflects the last-selected item until another item is selected.
Using this screen, you can view the inspections that inspectors have signed off upon as complete. You can add notes to an existing deficiency in an inspection and indicate when the deficiency has been completed. The application does not permit you to add a new inspection nor to add a new deficiency to an existing inspection, as this is the role of an inspector.
User Profile
User Profile
This screen displays information about the current user. Fields such as Name, Title, Telephone Number, Email address and Password can be altered.
To save any changes on this screen, click on the “Save/Update” button.
To cancel any changes made on this screen, just proceed to another tab without clicking on the “Save/Update” button.
Viewing Inspection Details
Viewing Inspection Details
Viewing Inspection Details:
All of the information gathered about a deficiency is clearly displayed on the top half of the Inspection Details screen. The only information that is not immediately visible here are the various notes by the Inspectors, the Fire Inspectors (if the feature of capturing separate Fire Inspections is in use) and the Repairers. Click on the appropriate tab above the “Notes” area to view each person’s notes.
We encourage users of the application to initial and date each new note that they make, as a notes fields might potentially carry notes across several inspections and follow-up inspections.