Download to iPad
Download to iPad
Download to iPad:
Tap on this button to download data from the central server to your iPad, by way of your wireless connection. All of the facilities you selected (listed on the “Handheld” screen) on the Web interface will be transferred to the iPad. A status bar will confirm that the download (or upload, later) is progressing.
[picture]If the facility that you wish to inspect is not on the iPad, the “Return to Upload / Download Screen” button abandons the current screen and returns you to the initial screen where you may download inspection files. Use this button if you forgot to download an inspection prior to logging on to the application.
Select the facility that you wish to inspect and Tap on the “Begin Inspection” button.
[pictures]The “Begin inspection” button opens the screen shown on the right.
Note the four tabs/screens:
• History
• Deficiency
• Details
• Review
[picture]History: Lists all downloaded violations from a previous inspection year.
Deficiency: Use the “Decision Tree” to select a deficiency for a new item or u iPad te the Decision path for an existing item.
Details: Enter the location and descriptive information related to the deficiency selected via the ‘Deficiency’ tab. This screen is also used to edit deficiency details.
Review: Lists the records that are collected for the current inspection. This screen also allows you to review, making sure that all buildings from prior inspections have been checked. Properly completing this screen makes a backup of your inspection data on the iPad.
As an inspector, you’ll be starting with the History tab.
History Tab - Editing Prior Inspection Records
The History Tab — Editing Prior Inspection Records
The History Tab — Editing Prior Inspection Records:
[PHOTO]As an inspector performing the first inspection for a new year (inspection cycle), begin on the History tab.
The History tab lists all the inspection details of the prior year’s inspection of the facility. The list of buildings and rooms tied to prior deficiencies is displayed.
You view prior deficiencies by building number and room number. Select a building, then select a room, if necessary to narrow the list.
The prior deficiencies of the selected building (and selected room) are listed in the grid below.
Note that if a non-inspector (M,O, or C) user has marked an item as Complete, the date will be displayed in the grid.
You may add new notations to any prior “Notes” that may display. It is suggested that all Notes be marked with initials and date, to distinguish old notes from new.
At this point, you can either mark the item as “Complete” (referred to as “Validated” on the Web interface) if it has been resolved in accordance with code, or “Outstanding” by tapping the respective buttons.
[PHOTO]NOTE: As you check each prior deficiency (confirming “Complete” or “Outstanding”), it disappears from the “History” Screen and creates an entry on the “Review” screen.
iPad Application Instructions
The History Tab — Editing Prior Inspection Records
The History Tab — Editing Prior Inspection Records:
[PHOTO]As an inspector performing the first inspection for a new year (inspection cycle), begin on the History tab.
The History tab lists all the inspection details of the prior year’s inspection of the facility. The list of buildings and rooms tied to prior deficiencies is displayed.
You view prior deficiencies by building number and room number. Select a building, then select a room, if necessary to narrow the list.
The prior deficiencies of the selected building (and selected room) are listed in the grid below.
Note that if a non-inspector (M,O, or C) user has marked an item as Complete, the date will be displayed in the grid.
You may add new notations to any prior “Notes” that may display. It is suggested that all Notes be marked with initials and date, to distinguish old notes from new.
At this point, you can either mark the item as “Complete” (referred to as “Validated” on the Web interface) if it has been resolved in accordance with code, or “Outstanding” by tapping the respective buttons.
[PHOTO]NOTE: As you check each prior deficiency (confirming “Complete” or “Outstanding”), it disappears from the “History” Screen and creates an entry on the “Review” screen.
Download to iPad
Download to iPad:
Tap on this button to download data from the central server to your iPad, by way of your wireless connection. All of the facilities you selected (listed on the “Handheld” screen) on the Web interface will be transferred to the iPad. A status bar will confirm that the download (or upload, later) is progressing.
[picture]If the facility that you wish to inspect is not on the iPad, the “Return to Upload / Download Screen” button abandons the current screen and returns you to the initial screen where you may download inspection files. Use this button if you forgot to download an inspection prior to logging on to the application.
Select the facility that you wish to inspect and Tap on the “Begin Inspection” button.
[pictures]The “Begin inspection” button opens the screen shown on the right.
Note the four tabs/screens:
• History
• Deficiency
• Details
• Review
[picture]History: Lists all downloaded violations from a previous inspection year.
Deficiency: Use the “Decision Tree” to select a deficiency for a new item or u iPad te the Decision path for an existing item.
Details: Enter the location and descriptive information related to the deficiency selected via the ‘Deficiency’ tab. This screen is also used to edit deficiency details.
Review: Lists the records that are collected for the current inspection. This screen also allows you to review, making sure that all buildings from prior inspections have been checked. Properly completing this screen makes a backup of your inspection data on the iPad.
As an inspector, you’ll be starting with the History tab.
iPad Application Instructions
iPad Application Instructions:
Starting the Inspection Application on the iPad:
NOTE: Before you begin working with the iPad application — have you logged on to the Web application SkyDrive or Dropbox and downloaded a new “Props.hca” file in your current Inspector role? The “Props.hca” file can live on the iPad as long as the user’s properties do not change. Multiple roles of an inspector can be placed on the iPad App. In addition to the Web based storage applications, the iPad App can also receive an email with the “Props.hca” file as an attachment.
[photo]The current inspector will stay active until a different inspector’s role is selected. The button Switch User is pressed to display a selection list of current “Props.hca” on the iPad.
Your login name should be displayed in the text box on the left.
If your name is not displayed on the left of the screen, you need to return to the Web interface and redownload the “Props.hca” file to your iPad.
Enter your password and press the Login button. Your credentials are validated and the Download and Upload buttons will become active.
[photo]After you tap the “Login” button, the Download Data To iPad, Upload Data From iPad and Begin Application buttons become active.
There are three active buttons on this screen:
• Pull (download) Data TO the iPad from the central server
• Upload Data FROM the iPad to the central server
• Begin the Inspection Application
Selecting a Facility to Download to the iPad Application for Inspection
Click on the “handheld” tab at the top of the Web-based Inspection Application.
Using the Web-based interface, you will select which facility or facilities to download to your iPad. Only those deficiencies which are still open (not yet Validated by an Inspector as being Completed or Closed) will be downloaded. Deficiencies that facility, capital or maintenance personnel have indicated as “Completed” will still be downloaded to the iPad for the inspector to verify.
If you have no inspections currently selected for or downloaded to your iPad, you will see the following screen:
Click “OK” to proceed.
Click “Add an Inspection to this list”.
Select a facility to download to your iPad from the drop-down list (see illustration, below.)
NOTE: We recommend that only one or a few inspections be specified for download to the iPad at a time. Once you have downloaded and begun inspection(s) on your iPad, you must complete them and Update and merge them before you can download more inspections.
A dialog box will provide the option to Cancel or Proceed. If you proceed, a copy of the prior inspection’s Open items is built in a “temporary table”. This “snapshot” of the data is what will be sent to the Ipad. The data captured at this point also includes lists of the facility’s buildings and rooms, which will be used by the Ipad application to verify that the entire facility has been inspected.
Note: If another inspector has already started an inspection on this facility for this year and has not completed it (the inspection is already “checked out”), then you will receive a message to this effect and you will not be able to proceed. The other inspector must either complete or cancel their inspection before you can proceed.
[picture]Else, you may proceed with your inspection:
The screen displays those records that are available for download to your iPad. All unresolved items from last year’s inspection should be listed here. At this point a “Handheld Data” holding file accessible only to you has been created. This is the file that will later be sent to the iPad.
NOTE: Do not select more facilities than you are able to inspect on one trip to the field. While the handheld can easily hold multiple facility inspections, carrying only the facilities to be inspected immediately speeds the iPad application’s processing. Data “download” and “upload” to from the Ipad will also be faster. Also the handheld’s “snapshot” of data is more accurate the more recent it is. Minimizing the number of inspections on the iPad also simplifies data recovery in case of any communication errors.
NOTE: The “Continue to the Edit Screen” button should not be used at this point. It will not show any records at this stage in the inspection process, as this feature displays only inspections “uploaded” (returned from) the Handheld/iPad.
Selecting a Facility to Download to the iPad Application for Inspection
Selecting a Facility to Download to the iPad Application for Inspection
Click on the “handheld” tab at the top of the Web-based Inspection Application.
Using the Web-based interface, you will select which facility or facilities to download to your iPad. Only those deficiencies which are still open (not yet Validated by an Inspector as being Completed or Closed) will be downloaded. Deficiencies that facility, capital or maintenance personnel have indicated as “Completed” will still be downloaded to the iPad for the inspector to verify.
If you have no inspections currently selected for or downloaded to your iPad, you will see the following screen:
Click “OK” to proceed.
Click “Add an Inspection to this list”.
Select a facility to download to your iPad from the drop-down list (see illustration, below.)
NOTE: We recommend that only one or a few inspections be specified for download to the iPad at a time. Once you have downloaded and begun inspection(s) on your iPad, you must complete them and Update and merge them before you can download more inspections.
A dialog box will provide the option to Cancel or Proceed. If you proceed, a copy of the prior inspection’s Open items is built in a “temporary table”. This “snapshot” of the data is what will be sent to the Ipad. The data captured at this point also includes lists of the facility’s buildings and rooms, which will be used by the Ipad application to verify that the entire facility has been inspected.
Note: If another inspector has already started an inspection on this facility for this year and has not completed it (the inspection is already “checked out”), then you will receive a message to this effect and you will not be able to proceed. The other inspector must either complete or cancel their inspection before you can proceed.
[picture]Else, you may proceed with your inspection:
The screen displays those records that are available for download to your iPad. All unresolved items from last year’s inspection should be listed here. At this point a “Handheld Data” holding file accessible only to you has been created. This is the file that will later be sent to the iPad.
NOTE: Do not select more facilities than you are able to inspect on one trip to the field. While the handheld can easily hold multiple facility inspections, carrying only the facilities to be inspected immediately speeds the iPad application’s processing. Data “download” and “upload” to from the Ipad will also be faster. Also the handheld’s “snapshot” of data is more accurate the more recent it is. Minimizing the number of inspections on the iPad also simplifies data recovery in case of any communication errors.
NOTE: The “Continue to the Edit Screen” button should not be used at this point. It will not show any records at this stage in the inspection process, as this feature displays only inspections “uploaded” (returned from) the Handheld/iPad.